Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mr. Olympia 2011 and weight gaining

I haven't updated in a few weeks, with good reason. Things have been rather jam packed lately. I now work 5 days a week at David Barton Gym and decided to stop bartending for a while or for good. Anddd Mr. Olympia 2011 was last weekend in Las Vegas. I'd have to say aside from the car rental company making us pay stupid fees for not being 25 year (yet), and United losing our luggage full of samples/foam roller/supplements for 3 days, it was a pretty incredible trip!

  • Got to meet some of my favorite bodybuilders and figure/bikini competitors (pictures to follow)
  • Got to root for my girl Alicia Harris on the Olympia stage! She looks absolutely gorgeous!
  • Working out at Golds Gym again for the Universal Animal Event. Did bent over rows next to the great Evan Centopani, and had the pleasure of watching Dennis Wolf and my boy Victor Martinez do a shoot for Muscular Developement.
  • Eating Ruth Chris Filet Mignon cooked in butter
  • Eating at In N Out Burger
  • Shopping at Burberry
  • All you can eat buffets not once but 3 times!
  • Getting my picture in front of the Evogen Nutrition sign!
  • Flying over the Grand Canyon
  • Getting to drive our own rental car around Vegas
  • Riding New York New York
  • Getting Nicole Wilkins and Nicole Nagrini to sign a bikini calender of them lol!
  • Seeing Phil Heath and Jay Cutler duke it out!!!!
  • And most importantly getting to experience it all with the love of my life!
On to my progress in weight training and building mass! So far so good I think. I can tell an overall difference with how my body looks. I have basically just started eating whatever I want, with some exceptions. I eat everything with knowledge of what is in it, and try to meet a certain daily intake of my carbs/fats/proteins/etc. I have put on a few pounds. I am at 114.5 this monring! I can see more definition in my shoulders, triceps, calves, and even quads. I also can squat my bodyweight! That is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I wouldn't be able to do it without Mike's help motivating me to get to this point. Building mass is really difficult for a lot of people, I am definitely feeling the struggle and do get discouraged at times. Going to the Olympia expo and meeting Nicole Wilkins and Justine Munro was really motivating for me. I can't wait to get there some day! Here are some pictures from our trip! :)

Enjoy! <3

                                               Me with my favorite bikini pro Justine Munro

Olympia Bikini Winner Nicole Nagrini

 At the Evogen Nutrition Booth!!

 The one and only Evan Centopani

 Me and my biggest role model and Ms. Figure Olympia and Sheru Class winnner Nicole Wilkins!!!!!
 Me and the most gorgeous man alive and my boyfriend Mike!!!
 Dont remember his name but he ruled!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Evogen Nutrition Interview!! and Olympia!!!

So I forgot to post this when they first upated my interview! Thanks to all the help of friends, family, and everyone that spread the word for the Evogen Nutrition contest! I won and was featured for a week on their homepage, here is the link- Evogen Nutrition Bikini Model Search  . Its pretty awesome, I got a supplement stack (pre and post-work out supplements.) Their products are high quality and work great, so I am so thankful for this opportunity. In about 10 weeks there will be another competition between all the girls and whoever wins get to be their next sponsored athlete. I hope to be at a higher fitness level at that point! My training and dieting seem to be working great, I can see the slight difference in definition in my muscles where as before I was just toned. I am still skinny mini but I have increased my caloric intake and eat more frequently when possible. I hope to be at 125-130 lbs by the end of my gains but still at my leanest. I can't wait for that day, but its a slow and steady process!

And oh my gosh!!! Can't I say 2 weeks from today Mike and I will be in Las Vegas for the Olympia Expo and Show! So very excited. We just decided to get a rental car while out there so we can enjoy the sites a bit more and not spend so much on cabs to go to and from gym/grocery/olympia show etc. I think its going to be such an awesome trip, I seriously cant wait. Next year we are going to try to the Grand Canyon or Hoover Damn. I have never been to either so I think itd be really amazing to do, but no time to allow it this trip!! So happy :)

Envy and progressing

Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own.  ~Harold Coffin
Today I have experiened envy and had to remind myself that I should be thankful for the life I have been given and worked for.  Not one person grows up the same as the next and you can't change where you came from. Everyone, myself included should be thankful for just being alive. The saying, "You make your own destiny," it couldn't be any more clear and true. If you truly want to achieve something, it only takes but effort to get there. I didn't come from a lot of money, get everything I wanted, and I turned out fine. I always envied other kids growing up because they would go on Summer Vacations to Hawaii or Florida on a regular basis, or they had nicer clothes than me, or nicer cars as I got older. I envied, and to this day I still catch myself being jealous of what others have. This made me realize something, instead of having negative feelings of "I want that, or wish I had that," why not turn those negative feelings into a positive drive to make it happen. You have the power to suceed and to make it happen, you just determine how quickly it happens. Sometimes things can be out of your means for a while, but if you work towards it, the payoff will beyond. You weren't instantly gratified with what you wanted then and now, but you worked for it. That process makes the goal/item/whatever you may have worked towards, even better. I can't even describe to you how many challenges I have faced in my life, but I wouldn't be here without those road blocks. I am blessed for that!!
